Achieving the Best Results: 5 Habits of Our Most Successful Patients

At The Movement Co., we've had the privilege of working with countless patients on their journey to building resilience and keeping them performing at their best no matter the age. While each individual's path is unique, we've noticed 5 common traits amongst our patients who see the best outcomes. In this blog, we'll highlight the 5 things our most successful patients do, which can serve as valuable insights for anyone seeking to optimize their healthcare experience and achieve their goals.

1. Stick to the Plan

The first and perhaps most crucial habit of our successful patients is their unwavering commitment to sticking to their prescribed treatment plan. Whether it's a rehabilitation program, the in-clinic visits, or lifestyle modifications, they follow their plan diligently.

Consistency is key. Successful patients follow the plan we present at the Report of Findings and follow the guidance of their healthcare providers without deviation. This commitment not only accelerates the healing process but also builds trust between patients and their healthcare teams. Our goal at the Movement Co. is to present you with a plan that is the gold standard in care and is the same level of care that our professional athletes get. When that plan is executed, the results are amazing.

2. Commit to Their Home Rehab

At The Movement Co., we give tools that will accelerate the healing time and make you more resilient but for the tool to work our patients need to do the work. Our successful patients understand the importance of their home exercise and rehabilitation routines. They embrace these exercises as an essential part of their healing journey, recognizing that progress is not solely reliant on in-office treatments.

By dedicating time and effort to their home rehab, these patients optimize their recovery and maintain their physical function between appointments. Consistency with home exercises can also prevent setbacks and ensure long-term success.

3. Ask Questions When They Are Not Sure About Symptoms

Communication is a cornerstone of successful experiences at the Movement Co. Our most successful patients aren't afraid to speak up when they have questions or concerns about their symptoms. They understand that timely and clear communication with their healthcare providers is essential for proper diagnosis, treatment adjustments, and peace of mind.

Don't hesitate to ask questions, seek clarification, or express your worries. It's your right as a patient to be informed and engaged in your healthcare journey, and your therapists are there to support you and we can best guide you when we know what you're feeling and thinking with regards to your care.

4. Understand That Even When Pain Is Gone, There Is Still Work to Do

Pain relief is often a primary goal for many patients, and once achieved, it's a reason to celebrate! However, our successful patients recognize that the absence of pain doesn't necessarily mean their journey is complete. They understand that there may still be work to do to prevent future issues and maintain their well-being. We love to say pain is the last to the party and the first to leave, meaning underlying movement deficiencies still persist and need to be addressed in order to avoid recurring injuries. 

These patients continue to follow the plan, including ongoing exercises, lifestyle modifications, and periodic check-ups. By doing so, they reduce the risk of recurrence and enjoy a higher quality of life in the long run.

5. Continue Regular Check-Ins

Our most successful patients don't view healthcare as a one-time fix; they see it as an ongoing relationship. Even after their symptoms improve, they continue to schedule regular check-ins with their therapist team. These appointments serve as preventive measures, helping to identify and address potential issues before they become significant problems. We will check in with your rehab/prehab plan and assess and correct your technique. 

Regular check-ins also provide an opportunity for patients to discuss any new concerns, track their progress, and receive guidance on maintaining their new and improved self.

Achieving the best results at The Movement Co. requires active participation, commitment, and a willingness to take responsibility for one's health. The habits of our successful patients—sticking to the plan, committing to home rehab, asking questions, recognizing ongoing work, and continuing regular check-ins—serve as a roadmap for anyone seeking to optimize their healthcare journey.

Remember that the therapists at the Movement Co. are partners in your well-being, and by working together with them and adopting these habits, you can enhance your chances of achieving the best possible outcomes and keeping you performing your best at any age.


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